
 This was for the last day of the seminar. Friedaset up the seat for us then all the people went outside to take group photos.
 第一張是所有同學的照片 The first one is for all the students.

 第二張是Heritage Team的團體照
 The second one is for Heritage teams.

Georiga wnats to be look skinny . But we could not make her look so by PHOTOSHOP cause the position she stood . So, Hazel and I decided to make Paul looks like a superman. See, Gerogia looks like a little girl.

 我呢(第一排右一)希望自己的腿長一點,像model一樣的身材,Hazel(後排右二)也希望自己長高一些,我們都在照片上動了手腳 David和Martha其實沒有想要改變,但是我們覺得該讓他們兩人有些不一樣的造型,所以...................
Me,(first line the right one) wish to get LONG legs like modle. Hazel wish to be taller. We make some changes on the photo. David and Martha did not ask for anything. But we think they need to change their look a little bit. So...............

These are our fun group photos.

    創作者 Serina 的頭像

    彥蓁彩繪藝術Serina Art Studio

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