Heritage Education Program
Program Rules and Guidelines
5 Heritage Education Program Levels
Heritage Friend- Artists who have made application to the program and who are waiting to join the program
Heritage Artist- Artists who have completed the course given by a Heritage Teacher, Heritage Ambassador or Heritage Designer.
Heritage Teacher- Artists/Teachers who have completed the Teacher Training Course from a Heritage Ambassador or Heritage Designer.
Heritage Ambassador- Teachers who have assisted in developing the program and educating the artists in the program. Heritage Ambassadors also design some designs for the program.
Heritage Designers- Teachers who have designed many of the designs in the program and who actively teach the program.
Requirements for each level
Heritage Friend- Join the program as an interested artist.
Heritage Artist- Complete the Educational Program taught by a Heritage Teacher, Heritage Ambassador or Heritage Designer.
Heritage Teacher- Complete the course taught by a Heritage Ambassador or Heritage Designer.
Heritage Ambassador- Must be a Heritage Teacher. Must have taught the Educational Course. Apply to the Educational Team for advancement.
Heritage Designers- Must be a Heritage Teacher. Must have taught the Educational Course. Apply to the Educational Team for advancement.
General Rules of the Heritage Educational Program
1. Those teachers who were Traditions Teachers under the old JansenArt Educational Program and made application to the Heritage Program are hereby granted Heritage Teacher status. Each applicant will receive a new certificate and Heritage Teacher Pin.
2. Any student who completed the old JansenArt Educational Program from a Traditions Teacher can apply and receive Heritage Artist status. They need to take an abbreviated 6 day training course from a Heritage Designer or Heritage Ambassador to become a Heritage Teacher.
3. Once a Heritage Artists has completed the course from a Heritage Teacher, they cannot teach the program until they take an abbreviated 6 day educational course from a Heritage Designer or Heritage Ambassador to obtain the level of Heritage Teacher.
傳承教育計畫 課程規則和指導原則 五個傳承教育課程階級: 傳承之友Heritage Friend –已經申請該課程或是等待加入該課程之藝術家們 傳承藝術家Heritage Artist -已經透過傳承講師、傳承大使或傳承設計師傳授課程並已完成之藝術家。 傳承講師Heritage Teacher -已經透過傳承大使或傳承設計師學習完成講師培訓課程之藝術家 / 講師。 傳承大使Heritage Ambassador -曾協助開發課程和在這課程中培訓藝術家之講師。 傳承大使同時也參與課程的設計。 傳承設計師Heritage Designers –由David Jansen挑選在本課程中設計了許多作品,並積極傳授本課程。 每個級別要求 傳承之友Heritage Friend -– 一個對本課程有興趣並加入學習的藝術家。 傳承藝術家Heritage Artist -- 一經由傳承講師、傳承大使或是傳承設計師指導完成教育課程。 傳承講師Heritage Teacher --經由傳承大使或是傳承設計師指導完成教育課程。 傳承大使Heritage Ambassador – 首先必須是傳承講師。 必須要傳授過本教育課程,個人師資團隊達五十人以上者。 向教育團隊提出晉升之申請。 傳承設計師Heritage Designers --首先必須是傳承講師。必須要傳授過本教育課程。 向教育團隊提出晉升之申請。 Heritage傳承培訓計畫的一般規則 1. 所有在舊的JansenArt教育課程之Traditions 講師們,可向Heritage傳承教育課程提出申請,在此可轉換成Heritage傳承講師的認證。提出申請者將收到新的Heritage Teacher證照和Heritage傳承講師的徽章。 2.任何從舊的JansenArt教育課程之Traditions 講師學習並完成課程的學生,可以申請和收到Heritage Artist傳承藝術家的認證。 他們必須上完傳承設計師或是傳承大使的縮短的6 天培訓課程才能成為傳承講師。 3.一旦傳承藝術家已經從傳承講師學習完成課程,他們必須上過傳承設計師或傳承大使縮短的6 天的教育課程,才能獲得傳承講師的階級。 PS. 此六天所短的訓練課程分為Module 1, Module 2, Module 3各兩天完成。 傳承之友Heritage Friend 加入學習課程的藝術家。 ↓ 傳承藝術家Heritage Artist 經由傳承講師、傳承大使或是傳承設計師指導完成教育課程。 ↓ 傳承講師Heritage Teacher 向傳承大使/傳承設計師學習完成全部濃縮的六天教育訓練課程 ↓ 傳承大使Heritage Ambassador/傳承設計師Heritage Designers 完成傳承講師教育訓練。 並傳授傳承藝術家本教育課程,個人師資團隊達五十位學員者。 向教育團隊提出晉升之申請。 Heritage Education website國際教育網 http://jansenarteducation.com/System.php 華人Heritage國際彩繪教育網